Next Meeting – September 16th 2018

Come and join us at our next meeting for our semi-annual GIANT auction!

Doors open at 12:15pm and the meeting will begin at 1pm. We will perform our usual HAP (plant reproduction) and BAP (fish reproduction) award ceremony at the beginning of the meeting. We expect this to take approximately 15 to 20 minutes. We will then share some brief club news updates which should take about 5 to 10 minutes. There is no guest speaker at this meeting.

The auction will run from approximately 1:30PM to 4:00PM – the meeting will go until the last auction items are sold. MEMBERS can win items on credit and settle their final tab at the end of the auction, in cash or debit/credit (see our latest auction update ). NON-Member VISITORS must pay cash as they win each item. No credit privileges are extended to non-members.

Only members can SELL in the auction. Anyone can BUY. This event is free admission as we are waiving the $5 per meeting ‘visitor’ fee for non-members.

If you plan on becoming a member of the club at this event, we recommend completing the membership form in advance and arriving early to complete the process. The annual membership due is $25.00.

Similarly, we recommend sellers arrive as early as possible to hand in their completed auction items form and peruse the other sellers’ items.

Bring your friends and neighbours as this event is open to the public!

Next Meeting May 20 2018 – Trivia Challenge featuring the Mighty Gonopodium

ASW’s own Program Chair, Chris ‘The Mighty Gonopodium’ Biggs, is bringing his internationally known Trivia Challenge back home to Winnipeg! Chris will try to stump us with general aquarium trivia ranging from beginner to expert level. This event will be fun, family-friendly, and will feature assorted aquarium hobby prizes for those who earn them!

This meeting will also feature the biennial (once every two years) election of the Aquarium Society of Winnipeg executive members who will serve the club for the Sept 2018 to June 2019 season.